Signing at Borders

I’m sitting in Borders, pushing Darlene Marshall novels, and so far, it’s going well. We’re one hour into my three hour gig. I’m pitching my books as great Mother’s Day gifts and super beach reading for the summer. Seems to be helping, since I just sold one copy of Captain Sinister's Lady personalized for the recipient mom, and another book to a lady who lives at the beach.

You can write books if you’re shy, but it’s a lot harder to sell books if you’re shy. I have no shame at all. I make eye contact and talk to people as they enter the store. It helps that Borders put me right up front at the front door. I get to see them as they come in, and I’ve spotted a few number of acquaintances. It’s harder to say no to someone you know, especially when she’s sitting right there in front of you.

At the same time, some people are really put off by eye contact. It’s like they go out of their way to make sure you don’t connect with them. I understand that, but I figure I wasn’t likely to make the sale with them anyway so I don’t worry about it.

(Later) OK, we're done now, and I sold through over half the stock. All things considered, it was time well spent and I signed the remaining books so the staff can sticker them "signed by author". Even better, my books now show up as "available and in stock" at my local Borders. People could order at, through its Amazon affiliation, but it's nice to be in the bricks & mortar location.


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