Hunkerin' down

Only 12 days into the hurricane season, and Alberto comes calling. We're right in its path, though we're 60 miles inland. I know from hurricanes Frances and Irene that doesn't necessarily mean much. You can still have tornadoes, backed-up sewers, flooding and wind damage. So, we did our hurricane prep just as we're supposed to. I've got plenty of batteries, water, a full tank of gas in my car and on my gas grill, a freezer full of ice, canned food, a camp stove, lamps and lanterns.

My biggest concern is that one of the trees I love so much will crash into the house. Otherwise, I'm prepared for just about anything else, and we'll ride this one out.

More on the storm later...


Unknown said…
I'll keep you (and house and tree) in my thoughts!

Best wishes!

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