What is it about re-reading Georgette Heyer that is so very satisfying? At least 3-4 times a year I'll pull one of her classics off my keeper shelf and fall back into the dialogue, the description, the characterization that she did so well.

This week it was Regency Buck. One might almost call this the ur-Regency. Even more than Jane Austen, much of what we as modern romance readers and writers consider the quintessential elements of a good Regency are found in this novel. There's the worldly hero who's a top-of-the-trees Corinthian whom all the young bucks aspire to be like. There's the heroine who while lacking in actual experience of the world isn't lacking in sense and can go toe to toe with the hero. There's references to Prinny, the war, fashion, curricles, Wellington,Almacks, the Season, The Beau, patronesses and all the usual trappings of the Regency world. There's even a good mystery.

*Sigh* I almost envy those people who haven't yet read Georgette Heyer for the first time. You could do a lot worse than to start with this novel.


Beth said…
I loved THE GRAND SOPHY. Then I tried THESE OLD SHADES, which I didn't really care for. It was one of her very first novels, I think. So maybe I will try REGENCY BUCK (what a title). Any other particularly good ones?
THE GRAND SOPHY is probably the Heyer I'd take to a desert island. I also highly recommend FARO'S DAUGHTER, THE DEVIL'S CUB (the son of the H&H of THESE OLD SHADES) and VENETIA. That's the first tier. In the second tier I'd recommend THE MASQUERADERS, THE TOLL GATE, SYLVESTER OR THE WICKED UNCLE, and THE UNKNOWN AJAX. But they're all worth a look.
Beth said…
Thanks. I'll copy that list. Right now I'm forbidding myself to buy new books until I've whittled down the TBR somewhat.

Currently reading THE WATER DEVIL by Judith Merkle Riley, which is the recently published final book in her Margaret of Ashbury novels (back in print now that TWD is out, so I've read all three back-to-back.) Do you read her? She writes historical fiction with whimsical, supernatural elements. Fun reads.
I didn't know The Water Devil was out! I'll look for it. Thanks!

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