Got Resolutions?

It's that time of year, when we take stock of what we've accomplished, and look forward to doing better in 2013. In 2012 I had a goal of finishing the WIP by the end of the year, and I'm about 75% done with the first draft. I set a goal at the Goodreads Reading Challenge of 200 books over the year, and got up to 190 (95%).

My goals were realistic, and I could have achieved them with a little bit of effort. Less TV and clicking on internet memes would have meant more books read. Less time spent on social media would mean more of the manuscript written. I can accomplish that in 2013. I've found the secret to success is to keep my goals realistic and achievable in small bites: Instead of being overwhelmed at the thought of finishing [working title] The Hot Pirate's Secret Baby and starting another 100K novel this year, I tell myself I'll work toward an additional 1,000 words of writing a day. That's eminently doable, and will get me to my goal in a realistic fashion.

Finally. my goal in the coming year, as always, is to be the person my dog thinks I am. I continue to work on that one.

So, what are your goals for 2013?


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