Happy Mother's Day

Katie’s babbling finally wound down and she fell asleep on
Sophia’s lap, and Martha picked the toddler up and put her in her
cot. Sophia stood and stretched legs gone numb, then went out to
their mules to fetch what she’d brought for her hostess.
“Well, I declare,” Martha said, turning the china teacup
decorated with blue flowers over in her hands.
“I brought one for Katie, too, for you ladies to use when she’s
older. Sometimes it is nice to have something pretty and special
that is just for mothers and daughters.”
Martha blinked rapidly, then cleared her throat. “You are a
thoughtful lady, Mrs. Burrell. I will keep these cups for me and
Katie, and when we use them, we’ll think of you.”

--The Bride and the Buccaneer

Here's to all the mothers who have tea parties with their sons and daughters and who get to celebrate their special day today.  I still haven't received the diamond tiara I earned for all those years of wiping snotty noses, hugging messy people and getting sticky kisses (along with umpteen recitations of "No means 'no', it does not mean 'nag me some more'"), but I do have two fine young men who are educated, gainfully employed, and most of all, care about other people and  reflect that in their actions.

Happy Mother's Day to us!


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