Review--Nothing Left to Lose (John Cleaver)

Nothing Left to Lose: A Novel (John Cleaver)Nothing Left to Lose: A Novel by Dan Wells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's a wonderful thing when a series concludes and you turn the last page with a satisfied sigh. I read NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE straight through on a summer afternoon, dying (ahem) to find out what happens with our hero John Wayne Cleaver, boy monster hunter and serial killer wannabe. The ending is all I could have asked for, and I won't go into details because *spoilers*, but I highly recommend starting with I AM NOT A SERIAL KILLER and reading it for yourself.

I will say that LOSE had delightfully snarky dialogue, interesting monsters, new characters and some soul-searching by our young sociopath as to his life's goals. If you're up for a dose of horror with characters who stick in your mind, check out the John Cleaver novels. I'm glad I did.

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