Pirates and more pirates!

“Papa, are you going to blow them out of the water? Will you put burning fuses in your hair like Blackbeard to scare them?”
Fuller looked down at the tyke, then back at his captain.
“I told you reading Captain Johnson to her was a bad idea.”
--The Pirate's Secret Baby, March 2014

This month's Smithsonian Magazine features an excellent cover story on Blackbeard by renowned pirate scholar Colin Woodard. 2014 is shaping up to be a good year for all things piratical. Last night was the premier of Black Sails on Starz, which had some real pirate history along with the nekkid ladies and violence we've come to expect from cable productions. Later this year NBC will offer Crossbones, starring John Malkovich as Blackbeard and using Woodard's The Republic of Pirates as its source.

And, of course, the very best news of all is the publication of Darlene Marshall's The Pirate's Secret Baby in March. You'll be hearing more about this as the release date nears.


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