I'm heading out to Glasgow, Scotland for the World Science Fiction Convention--GlasgowIn2024. I'll be moderating two panels, plus doing my usual Worldcon activities: attending other panels to boost my own writing skills, volunteering, hanging out with friends, tea at the Willow Tearoom (a must do anytime I'm in Glasgow), and just having a good time. Here's my schedule, and I hope to see you there: Saturday, August 10, 2024 Rogues, Pirates and Bandits with Hearts of Gold Alsh 2, Duration: 60 mins 13:00 BST 08:00 EDT Darlene Marshall (moderator) Edgar Governo H.G. Parry N.L. Bates Chris Wooding , Fantasy, Science Fiction, Literature, From Robin Hood to that charming rogue in everyone's D&D campaign, readers and writers love the idea of a kind-hearted criminal. Social inequality and those standing apart from ordered society are at the heart of those stories, but how important is striking the balance between giving outcasts a home and adhering to the social contrac...