Happy Canada Day!
“England’s a big place all right, but not as big as it would like to be.
Couple a years back they was all fired up over there ’bout Canada
rebellin’ and the U.S. givin’ them an assist. There was English ships
burned on the border lakes, and it looked like war all over again.”
Julia knew this, but didn’t let on to Washburn, keeping a polite look--Smuggler's Bride
on her face. The brandy made him garrulous and she wanted to keep
this narrative going, to find out as much as she could about her
smuggler husband. He didn’t need to know Lord Ashburton had been a
guest in her parents’ home, and the state of affairs between the two
nations was of acute interest to the Anglo-American owners of
Delerue-Sanders Shipping.
It's a day to celebrate, with fireworks and festivities. Happy Canada Day to all my friends up north! I hope we're all over that invasion talk, and you can probably turn those cannon on the ramparts in Quebec away from our direction now.
Or maybe not. You never know what craziness your neighbors to the south will get up to. Regardless, enjoy your day and party! Listen to some Drake, eat maple candy, savor a local beer (or two) and some poutine. I may even indulge in a couple of those things myself to help you celebrate.